What if you accidentally eat plastic?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

You might listened many cases in which the plastic is eaten by animals, but have you ever wondered what if you mistakenly eaten plastic?  How it would affect your body? 

Let's know, 

The plastic is non-biodegradable and as compared to organic compounds, plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose. But, If the quantity of swallowed plastic is less, then it will not be problem because our body pushes out the materials which it cannot digest. 

Problems might occur if the quantity of swallowed plastic is more. Our body will not able to post it out and it will stay in out gut, might partially prevent further food digestion. In extreme cases, it may prove to be fatal. 

Most plastics are chemical-laden. These chemicals are commonly known as phtalates. These chemicals are used in plastic to make it more flexible, transparent, harder and to make it more durable. These phtalates are extremely harmful for our body and can damage our kidney, lungs, liver and reproductive system. 

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