Popular Covid- 19 Vaccine Myths Debunked

After a long year, scientists have developed and begun to distribute vaccines for Covid-19. While most people consider the vaccine a cause for celebration, there are some people who still have lingering worries about vaccine safety, necessity, and contents. So, let’s set the record straight and debunk some of the myths surrounding the Covid-19 vaccines!

Myth #1: Vaccines contain the coronavirus, so they can give you COVID-19.

Fact: None of the current vaccines contain the coronavirus. The vaccine is a little snippet of the genetic code of the virus that causes COVID-19. So, it is impossible to get COVID-19 from them.

Myth #2: Coronavirus vaccines can alter or re-write your DNA. 

Fact: Authorised and granted vaccines contain messenger RNA, also known as mRNA. DNA is used to make mRNA and mRNA is used to make proteins. The process only goes one direction, so mRNA cannot go backwards to affect your DNA. In fact, the mRNA in vaccines doesn’t even get to the nucleus, the part of your body’s cells where your DNA is stored. Instead, the mRNA in coronavirus vaccines tells your body to make a protein called the “spike protein” that fools your body into thinking it’s seeing the coronavirus. Your immune system reacts by making antibodies to the spike protein, which is part of the coronavirus. So, if you do encounter a real coronavirus, your body is ready to fight it off and you won’t get sick.

Myth #3: The Covid- 19 vaccines are unsafe because they was developed quickly.

Fact: The authorised vaccines are proven safe and effective. The process was certainly fast, but it was not rushed and no steps were skipped. The vaccines went through the same rigorous testing process as every other vaccine has in the past and were deemed safe and effective. The speed is thanks to an unprecedented worldwide collaboration and investment to develop a vaccine quickly, but the clinical trials and review process were carefully done and showed both safety and effectiveness.

Myth #4: The vaccines will make me sick. 

Fact: Well, this has some truth in it, because when the vaccine works, it fools your body into thinking it’s seeing the coronavirus. When your immune system reacts it can give you symptoms like you might have on the first day or two of a real infection, like fever, muscle aches and chills. But they don’t last long, unlike a real coronavirus infection.

Myth #5: I don't need the vaccine because I already had Covid- 19 in past.

Fact: Actually, experts still recommend that you get the vaccine even if you had the infection. There just isn’t enough evidence yet to say how long you’re protected from getting Covid-19 again once you have been infected. The immunity someone gains from having an infection is called as natural immunity, varies from person to person. Early studies found that it may not be for long.

Myth #6: Once I receive the COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to wear a mask.

Fact: Masking, handwashing and physical distancing remain necessary in public until a sufficient number of people are immune. Fully vaccinated people can meet with other fully vaccinated people without wearing masks. 

<a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/green">Green Vectors by Vecteezy</a>

So, do you plan on getting the Covid-19 vaccine? Surely take it. So, we can stop the spread of coronavirus quickly. And if you had it already, what was your experience?

Let's get vaccinated!

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