What If Earth Lost It's Oxygen For 5 Seconds?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

Have you ever wondered what If Earth lost it's Oxygen for 5 seconds? How would it affect us? What will happen to our surrounding structures? 

Let's know,

If we are talking about just 5 seconds, then we wouldn't notice any changes in our breathing.

But it would change many things around us. As you all might know, Earth's crust contains 45% Oxygen and without Oxygen the crust would crumble, causing the ground to crumble and we would be in free fall. 

Also, the buildings, bridges and concrete structures would crumble into dust, as Oxygen works as a binding agent for concrete. The cars would stop and planes will fall from sky as their combustion engines requires Oxygen to work. 

Losing Oxygen means losing almost 21% air pressure. This will cause our inner ear to explode which would make us deaf. It will also become darker suddenly because to reach till us, sunlight needs to bounce off air particles like Oxygen, dust, etc. In the absence of Oxygen, much fewer particles would be able to bounce off, causing darkness everywhere.

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