5 most deadliest insects around us, that you never want to meet.

You all must have seen this insects but don't know about them, they are the most deadliest, so this are the 5 deadliest insects that you must avoid always.

5. Giant Japanese Hornet -

Image credit: bbc.com

Giant Japanese Hornet is the largest species of the hornets in the world. Every year 40 deaths are recorded due to the sting of this hornets. The venom of the Japanese hornets can cause a allergic reaction and dissolve tissue within the short time. The repeated stinging from the groups of the hornets can cause death. 

4. Tse Tse flies -

Image credit: nytimes.com

The origin of this flies is from Africa. This flies are dangerous because they transmit diseases. The bite of this fly, injects the parasites in the body. Due to which a disease called African sleeping sickness and if not cured it can cause the death. 

3. Killer bees -

Image credit: nhm.ac.uk

The most common name of killer bees is the Africanized honey bees. They are very aggressive and dominant. They follow there victims up-to 1 miles. They attacks in group. They bite hardly with there dunk and repetitive stinging. 

2. Driver ants -

Image credit: Alexanderwild.com

Driver ants has the largest colony than the any other insects in the world. Each colony of driver ants has members up-to 22 million. Elephants also fear from this group of ants. This ants are very aggressive and tries to finish of the any obstacle in their path. 

1. Mosquitoes -

Image credit: newscientist.com

Mosquitoes are the most deadliest insects in the world. Mosquitoes causes near about 1 million deaths every year. Transmitting many diseases but widely causes malaria disease. WHO estimated that because of this mosquitoes bite every 30 seconds a child dies and 500 million cases of malaria reported every year. 

Now you are aware of this insects, so avoid them. 

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