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Let know,
This arrangement of letters in QWERTY format on keyboard was designed in 1868 by Christopher Sholes who is the inventor of the typewriter.
Before this format ABCDE format is used but the people would type so fast that the keys of the typewriter gets jammed.
Sholes arranged the keys in their odd fashion to prevent the jamming of the mechanical typewriters by separating the commonly used combinations.
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Now it is not a problem, because our modern keyboards are so soft. Then also why didn't we use that old format, because till now almost everyone, who types on the keyboard has learnt this standard format.
So if we change the QWERTY format to the ABCDE format then it would be difficult for all of us to learn it.
There are also many formats of keyboards like AZERTY, DVORAK, MALTRON, QWERTZ, etc.
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