What is Kaprekar's constant or number 6174 ?

Image credit: Kaprekars.bandcamp.com

Kaprekar's constant means the number 6174 after the Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar. This number has has it's magic,

Let's see,

If we take any 4 digit number, without repeating any of the digits e.g. 5555, otherwise this will not work. Then arrange that number in it's ascending and descending order and subtract the smaller number with the larger one.

Continue this process till the number 6174 comes, after it, if you repeat this process then also it will be 6174 only and you are in a number loop.

The above process is called as Kaprekar's routine which will always reach at it's fixed point, 6174, mostly in 7 iterations.

Once the 6174 is reached, this process will continue again and again forever:

Image credit: scoopwhoop.com

For example :-


... ... ... ...

This can be done with any of the 4 digit number (leading with 0 also works), try it.

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