How Long Do Knee Ligaments Injuries Take To Heal?

As you might know, some of the people get ligament tear due to an accident or while playing sports, etc. and may have heard many cases of ligament tears due to this. 

But how long do knee ligaments take to heal without surgery? How long do knee ligaments take to heal with surgery? How do you know if the surgery is required or not?

Let's know, 

The Medial Collateral ligament injuries are usually treated without surgery by advocating Bracing and physiotherapy. It takes about 6 weeks to 3 months to heal. After about 6 Weeks, ligament scars down and is assessed by the doctor

ACL or Medial collateral injury takes 6 weeks for the healing to start after injury and progressed considerably. Graft healing takes 9 months to 1 year and hence we advise the patients to engage in sporting or other activities only after 9 months.

Patient is assessed for clinical stability and MRI scanning is done. If the patient is unstable ie, if there is wobbling in the knee or knee giving way, we correlate it to the MRI findings and usually there would be partial or complete tear in the ligament which needs to be operated. The patients with no instability can be treated without surgery with bracing and physiotherapy.

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