Why do coconut has water inside it?

Image credit: Parentune.com

Have you ever drunk the coconut water it's tasty and healthy but do you ever thought that why the coconut has water inside it? How the water is form inside it? What does that water contain?

Let's know,

The water absorbed by the root system gets into the coconut through the capillaries against the gravity. This freshwater gets accumulated in coconut is actually ‘endosperm’ or food which is important for the nourishment of coconut's growth.

This nourishing endosperm is in the liquid form in the initial stage of the green coconut. After some time this liquid starts transforming into creamy tissue which starts depositing on the inner surface of the coconut.

As the time passes this soft creamy layer tissue becomes hard and the endosperm present inside it becomes clean coconut water.

Raw coconut water consists vitamin B complex, amino acids and living enzymes which are helpful for digestion and metabolism. This water also contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium which helps to hydrate.

As the coconut water has many nutritious value, it is a good source of energy. Thus, sometimes doctor also suggest to take coconut water. 
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