Why the dry ice is so dangerous?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

Do you know what is dry ice? Yes, but do you know that without safety it can be very dangerous, how?

Let's know how,

Generally, the dry ice is the solid carbon dioxide. The dry ice is cold that it's temperature is -78° Celsius. So, it's much cooler than the ordinary ice which is made up of water.

So, if such ice came in contact with our skin, then our cells will start freezing and die within seconds. Which causes severe frostbite.

Storing dry ice in an air tight container can also be dangerous because the dry ice sublimates, means it is directly converted to the gaseous state from the solid. Hence, the gas produced in the air tight container build up and exert pressure on the container, which can cause an explosion.

Due to this, the dry ice is so dangerous.

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