Why do some people get car sickness?

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Do you have a such friend or someone, who vomit in the car and spoils your plans. But have you ever wondered why do some people get ducked only in car? Why do they vomit in car?

Let's know,

According to a prevailing theory, car sickness occurs because of mismatched conflicting sensory organs. In a car which is moving, we visualize that the car seats are not moving which informs our brain that we are stationary. But the people, who has habit and mentally strong do not get car sickness.

However, on the other side, the inner ear which detects motion, notices vibrations because of turns and bumps in the road and and tells our brain that we are moving. Thus, making a sensory mismatch and make you car sick.

Another reason is that, during human evolution when there where no vehicles, only the intake of foods containing neurotoxins made our brain receive conflicting signals. The only way to remove these neurotoxins from the body is to vomit.

Hence, in the present time, when our brain receives such mismatched signals, the brain thinks that there is some neurotoxins in our stomach resulting in vomiting.

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