Why do people get dark circles around eyes?

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Do you also have dark circles under your eyes and don't do the scientific reason of there presence, then keep reading to know it,

Let's know,

There are many reasons, which causes the dark circles. But the most common reasons are lack of sleep and stress. Under these conditions, a hormone named cortisol is produced by our body.

As time passes, some blood vessels are constricted by the cortisol and dilates the other vessels like the vessels around or under our eyes. As a result, this blood vessels become bigger.

When sunlight or any light falls around our eyes. Many colors which make up white light interact with the skin and blood vessels in such that they mostly reflect bluish light. As you know the skin around our eyes is thinner as compared to the other parts of the body.

The big blood vessels that reflect bluish light are prominent. Which causes the under or around our eyes to appear darker than they are. This causes the dark circles.

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