Why do mosquitoes bite some people only?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

When the mosquito bites you, then primarily you think, why do it bites me only, so here is the reason why do it bites you only,

Let's know,

There are number of reasons why few people are more prone to mosquito bite. One of them is body odor. Millions of bacteria which live on  our skin produces various gases. These gases  together forms the body odor.

Besides this, a popular research found that mosquitoes tend to bite people with type O blood nearly twice as often as those with type A. Exercising can also entice mosquitoes. This happens because, while exercising we release more carbon dioxide, heat and sweat.

Mosquitoes can detect this carbon dioxide and heat. This can also sense various substances in our sweat such as lactic acid, thus making us more likely to get bitten by the mosquitoes.

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