Why your recorded voice sounds different than your normal voice?

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Have you ever tried recording your own voice and listened it, sounds different than normal then why do the recorded voice sounds different than normal? Do we have two sounds?

Let's know,

Our inner ear detects sound vibrations informing our brain about the voice or sound and thus, we are able to hear. But did you know that, when we speak we hear our own voices in two different ways.

The first way is through our outer ear. Our voice travels to the outer ear creating vibrations in the eardrum. The voice eventually reach the inner ear.

The another way is through our flesh and bones of skull. However, ears are better at transmitting deeper (lower frequency sounds) as compared to shriller ( higher frequency sounds).

As a result, combination of sounds obtained from this two ways make us voice appear deeper to us. So, the voice which we listen after recording it is travelled only through our outer ear. As a result, our recorded voice sounds different.

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