Why the mint tastes cool?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

Ever tried mint or mint flavored something, it tastes cool but why do mint tastes cold? What is present in the mint which causes the coolness?

Let's know,

Our tongue is actually a muscle which consists of many taste buds or taste receptors. Foods have flavours such as sweet, sour, salty, bitter or umami and when the food comes in the contact with these taste receptors they send signals to the brain, which tells us what the taste is.

However, when we eat mint, it tastes cold. This is because mint contains a compound called Menthol. Menthol does not activate the taste receptors but instead they activate the cold sensing receptors in our tongue.

Hence, these receptors send signals to the brain, sensing us cold. Due to which, brain thinks that something cold is present in our mouth, making the mint tastes cold.

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