How to avoid crying while cutting onions?

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Cutting onions makes us cry, so here are some ways you should try while cutting onions to avoid or reduce crying,

Let's know,

When we cut onions chemicals like sulfoxides and enzymes are released which react and eventually form a gas. This gas reacts with the lubricating fluids in eyes and produces sulfuric acid, which makes us cry.

However, if we freeze onions before cutting, then its temperature drops. Due to this, the sulfoxides and enzymes react slowly producing less gas which reduces the amount of crying.

We can even wear tight goggle so that gas doesn't reach our eyes. It is also said that below the onion roots there is a bulb where the concentration of chemicals is more. Hence, cutting down this part, we can avoid crying.

Also, cutting the onion under the running water washes out the chemicals. Hence, this method can also be used to reduce crying while cutting onions. But, in this method water will be wasted. So, you can cut onion in a bowl full of water. 
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