What is Allergy?

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Do you have some allergy, but don't know what actually an allergy means, why to wonder, I am here only to answer your questions (which you can't google) on my blog,

Let's know,

Allergy is an overreaction of our immune system to usually harmless substances like peanuts, milk, pollen, etc. and these substances are known as allergens.

Our immune system has white blood cells (WBCs) or lymphocytes which protect us from  foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. These invaders are called as antigens. When an antigen is detected by the lymphocyte, it produces the antibodies. Antigens are destroyed by these antibodies and protect us.

If an allergen such as pollen is inhaled by an allergic person, then the lymphocytes of the allergic person thinks the allergen as a antigen for unknown reasons.

Hence, lymphocytes overreact and produce antibodies which then starts to attack the allergen. Besides this, as an protective measure, some immune cells trigger the production of excess mucus which results in running nose.This also results in itching throat and watery eyes. This causes a allergy.

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