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You hairs became white and don't know why they became white, in so small age,
Let's know how,
There can be many reasons for the hairs to become white but mostly the hairs become white due to aging.
As we get older, the pigment cells in our hairs follicles gradually die. Follicles means the root of every strand of hairs is surrounded by a tube of tissue under the skin.
When the pigment cells in the hair follicles gets less, then the strand of hair do not contain much melanin-chemical that keep hairs black in colour. As we get older, there will be not much pigment cells to produce melanin and thus, hairs become white or gray in colour.
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The people who are getting their hairs white in early ages is because of the genes.
It means, our hairs will start becoming white at the same age when our parents or grandparents first did.
The other reasons because of which our hairs gets white are vitamin deficiencies, stress, smoking, dying hairs,etc.,causes our hairs to become white earlier.
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