What's difference between the mass and weight ?

Image credit: Pixabay

I am not going to make it in scientific manner, I will explain it in simple manner.

Let's know, 

First, Mass is the amount present in matter and measured in Kilograms (Kgs)  whereas Weight of an object is defined as the force with which the object is attracted and it is measured in Newton (N). 

The value of mass does not even when we go the another planet. As the value of g (acceleration due to gravity) is not same everywhere,the weight of an object changes from place to place, though its mass is constant everywhere. 

Image credit: Wikipedia.com

Usually we use weight for both mass and weight and measure the weight in kilograms which is the unit of mass. But in scientific language when we say someone's weight, we are talking about it's mass. 

So, now how to find the weight using the mass and value of g. Weight being a force, therefore F=mg, 

means weight(N)=mass(m) x acceleration                                                        due to gravity(g)
*(we are calculating with taking earth into consideration and g on earth = 9.8 m/s²)

For example, 
                        70 x 9.8 = 686N
So if a person having 70 kg mass which you called as weight his real weight would be 686N.Our weighing machines tells us the mass. 

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