You always see that birds sit on electric wires but do not shocked ,
Let's know how,
It has a very simple answer, the electric current flow through the path of least resistance and needs good conductor of electricity. The copper in electric wires is very good conductor.The birds are not good conductors.The current bypasses the birds and instead keeps flowing along the path.
Thus, they do not get shocked.
The other reason is that, there is no voltage difference in the single wire. There must be difference in electrical potential, for the electrons to flow. The energy passes through the areas of high voltage to the areas of low voltage.
Means, if it flows near about 10,000 bolts in a single wire,it will continue to flow across the path until there is no difference in electrical potential. Hence, birds do not get shocked.
But if the birds touch the ground or other wire while sitting another wire ,than they would be shocked hardly.
Now, you don't go and try it immediately otherwise you will be shocked very hardly.
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