What are cyclones and why do they occur ?

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Talking about this storms the main thing is the location where it has been called. For example, if the storm occurs near Atlantic ocean it is called as hurricane, if it is near northwest pacific it is called as typhoon and if it is near Indian Ocean it is called as cyclone.

Let's know how,

Cyclones are large, atmospheric pressure and winds system characterized at low pressure area at its center by circular wind motion. It occurs anticlockwise above the equator and clockwise below the equator.

Image credit:Pixabay.com

Cyclones are formed only on large water bodies as they need warm water to begin with. It requires atleast 27 °C and above. Which are generally formed near equator.

If a certain region of air over sea has warmed up. Warm air which is lighter in weight rises upwards. This causes a displacement of a huge mass of air upwards
create a area of low pressure beneath it.

Air from the surrounding high pressure area to this newly formed low pressure area.

 This causes a circular motion and thus a cyclone is formed.

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