How Many Dimensions Are There? | Part-2

In the first part of this series we discussed about the first four dimensions, if you haven't read it already then click here to read and understand it. In this part we are going to discuss the further dimensions. Now, we know that we can't perceive dimensions higher than fourth as they exist on subatomic level and these dimensions are curled in on themselves in a process known as compactification. 

A person living in the world of Fifth Dimension would be able to play with time as he wish. He could move either in past or in the future. He can also perform multilocation – it would be possible for him to be present at different locations at same time. Eventually, he can fully control the fourth dimension that is dimension of time.

In The Sixth Dimension we enter into the world of parallel universes I.e. The concept of multiverse. This dimension will allow us to see all possible presents, pasts and futures. But Every Universe present in this multiverse will have the same beginning as that of our universe I.e. the big bang. This is the limitation of this dimension.

Seventh Dimension also includes the concept of parallel universes. Seventh dimension contains infinite number of universes. So a Person living in seven dimensions can move in any universe and can have infinite forms of itself. Seventh dimension can contain a plane of all possible universes with different possible  conditions. Universes present in this dimension may have originated from different possibilities.

According to String theory, there will be no physical existence of any object that is present in the Eighth Dimension. If you find it difficult to imagine, then you can understand it like the digital world that we are familiar with. The eighth dimension will contain a plane of all the possible presents, pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes that are stretching up to infinity.

Nineth Dimension is much interesting and unbelievable. In the ninth dimension, it is possible for many civilizations or aliens to live at the same place and at the same time without seeing and feeling the presence of  other beings. 

A Person living in the ninth dimension will be able to move in any infinite number of universes, will have no physical form, will be able to move in all presents, pasts and futures of any infinite number of universes that are extending to infinity.

One different thing that will happen in the universes of the ninth dimension will be, that these universes may have their own laws of physics and separate conditions and probabilities of their origin. Isn't it interesting? 

Tenth Dimension will contain infinite possibilities and would be infinitely complex to understand for us. A person living in the tenth dimension will have infinite powers. That person would be so powerful that he would be no other than the God itself as he would be able to control space and time and every thing present in any infinite number of universes that are extending till infinity. 

This 10 Dimensions are described by the String Theory and are known as dimensions of reality. In short, this 10 Dimensions are related to OR this are the dimensions of:-

1st Dimension:- Length.

2nd Dimension:- Width.

3rd Dimension:- Height or Depth.

4th Dimension:- Time.

5th Dimension:- Probability (Possible Universes).

6th Dimension:- All Possible Universes Branching From The Same Start Conditions.

7th Dimension:- All Possible Spectrums Of Universes with Different Start Conditions. 

8th Dimension:- A Plane Of All Possible Universes, Different Start Conditions. 

9th Dimension:- Direct Movement From One Multiverse To The Another Non- Adjacent Multiverse With Different Start Conditions. 

10th Dimension:- Infinite possibilities. 

String theory states only 10 Dimensions. It is the M-Theory that describes the 11th Dimension with the help of String Theory. 11th dimension refers to Supergravity. Scientists do not believe there can exist more than 11 dimensions because conditions become unstable and particles naturally collapse back down into 10 or 11 dimensions.

The 12th dimension, for example, introduces a second time. While strings can only vibrate in 10 dimensions, membranes can exist at 11 dimensions. It is possible that our universe is one such membrane. But Bosonic Theory suggests that there may be 26 Dimensions. Some theories also suggests that there are Infinite Dimensions

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