How Many Dimensions are there? | Part-1

To understand the dimensions simply, they are just facets of what we perceive in reality. Most of you are aware of the first three dimensions and some may also know the 4th one. The first three dimensions are the dimensions of space which are length, width and height while the forth dimension is the dimension of time. 

We have control over the first three dimensions as we can freely move in forward, reverse, up and down directions. But we have no control over the fourth dimension which is the dimension of time as we can only move in the forward direction in time. 

If humanity could fully control the first four dimensions then we would become the civilization with supernatural powers because at that time it would become possible for us to travel in all the directions not only in space but also in time.

So let's discuss each dimension one by one, according to Superstring theory there are 10 dimensions in the universe. 

Any object having Zeroth Dimension has no length, width and height. A point is a example of it.

An object in First Dimension has only one dimension i.e. length (X-Axis). If we connect two points then it will form a line having only one dimension. So it is a example of first dimension.

Flat figures like square and triangle are example of Second Dimension as they only have length and width (X & Y Axis). The two dimensional or 2D objects have non zero area but there volume is zero as there is no height. 

If we add height or depth to a two dimensional object, then it is said to be in Third Dimension and it is 3D. A three dimensional object has non zero volume e.g. cube, cuboid, etc.

Time is considered the Fourth Dimension. Without the fourth dimension i.e. The time, no events can take place. Without time nothing will change in this world. Time is the way for three dimensions to change. It is the time dimension that allows the objects to change their position and location in space. So these were the first four dimensions that can be perceived by humans. 

Now We are going to discuss higher dimensions that we can not perceive, although they exist. We can not perceive dimensions higher than the fourth dimension as they exist on a subatomic level. These higher dimensions actually deal with the possibilities. But why we cannot perceive higher dimensions. Actually these dimensions are curled in on themselves in a process known as compactification.

We can't discuss all the dimensions in a single post as there are total 10 dimensions. So, we will discuss the further dimensions in the next post. 

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