Why Do 'Touch Me Not' Plant's leaves shut?

Have you ever played with that 'Touch Me Boy's plant which gets close if touched. But have you ever wondered why do it's leaves shut? 

Let's know, 

This plant is known as the Mimosa Pudica plant. Another name for it is 'Contact Me Not' Plant. At the point when anybody contacts this plant, it shuts its leaves with the assistance of pulvini. 

Pulvini are available at the base of each leaflet.They comprise of cells loaded up with water.This water applies pressure against the dividers of the cells. 

This weight is known as the turgor pressure.It causes the flyers to stand upstanding. Presently, when we contact a pamphlet of the touch me not plant, explicit pieces of the plant discharge certain synthetics. 

These synthetic substances cause the cells in the pulvini to lose water. At the point when water is lost, there is no more turgor pressure. Therefore, the cells breakdown, bringing about the end of pamphlets.

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