Why is the glass transparent?

Image credit: Pexels.com

Ever had a thought that why the glass is transparent? What helps the glass to be transparent?

Let's know,

Any substance is said to be transparent when the particles of visible light called photons are not absorbed by the substances. Thus, they get easily pass through any substance.

However, if the photons get absorbed, then the substance is said to be opaque. Whether the substance will absorb the photons or not depends upon the gaps present in between the orbits of electrons of that substance.

If these gaps are small in size, then the electrons of that substance are able to absorb the photons which pass through those gaps which makes the substance opaque.

However, In glass, these gaps are big. So, most of the photons do not get absorbed, making the glass transparent.

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  1. Thank you so mush for explaining this in very easy way.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, but I didn't get your name.

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