How does blood clot?

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While playing or doing something, if we get hurt by something the blood comes out and stops after sometime, but why do the blood stops coming out after sometime? Does body releases anything to stop the blood?

Let's know, 

Our blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, clotting factors, etc. which is suspended in liquid plasma. Usually, when a blood vessel gets ruptured and blood comes out, our blood begins to form a clot. 

First, the platelets start sticking to the broken vessel and with each other. Thus, forming a loose plug. But this plug is not strong enough to stop bleeding. Hence, the clotting factors take part in a complex chain of chemical reactions and create fribrin strands.

These strands overlap one another and create a mesh that tightly holds the loose plug together which makes strong. Red blood cells and white blood cells also get trapped into this mesh. This creates a blood clot which completely stops bleeding. 

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