Why it is believed in India to eat curd and sugar before going somewhere? | Science behind superstitions |

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In India it's very common to eat curd and sugar before doing some work even you had done it but the question is why,

So, let see,

The superstitions are integrated in your mind such that you think what will happen  if we don't do that and finally you do that, surprisingly your work gets done.

So, do the curd and the sugar have magic in it. The answer is no. Taking about the reason behind it, in the olden days the people used to travel by the bullock carts or by walking. As the india is a sub-tropical country the summer is more hot here.

As the nature of the curd is cool, means it's a coolent and sugar gives glucose, means a instant dose of glucose. So this is the scientific reason behind eating curd and sugar before doing some work because it keeps you cool and hydrated in hot days, that's why the olden people used to eat curd and sugar before going outside.

This is the logical reason behind following this superstition but mentally people feels pleasure to follow this superstition.

So, this is the reason behind the eating curd and sugar.

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