What Will Happen In Next 60 Seconds?

A lot will happen in the next minute all over the world, more than you probably imagined. The world is one big factory, and it’s an amazing thing to behold when you break itdown. I'll show you just how amazing, What Happens in The World in 60 seconds? There will be 5 earthquakes. Lightning will strike the Earth 360 times. 250 babies will be born out of which 113 of them will be born into poverty and 15 will have birth defects. Another 105 people will die. 6 children will die of malnutrition, direct or indirect. 

55,000 barrels of oil will be used. The sun will fling 60 million tons of matter into space. 31,600 tons of water will flow over the Niagara Falls. 960 million tons of water will evaporate from the surface of the Earth. A hummingbird will flap its wings 4,000 times. 6 million chemical reactions will take place inside of every single cell in your body. You will blink an average of 12 times.

A sloth will cover an average of 13 feet. The bed bugs you snuggle with at night will crawl roughly 48 inches closer. A person’s heart will beat on average 60 to 100 times. That’s around 500 billion beats per minute around the world on average. 116 people will tie the knot. 144 people will move into a new place. The entire world will consume around 11.5 million pounds (or 5,000 tonnes) of food.The average citizen of Earth will be 1 penny richer.

2,040 trees will be cut down in the rainforest. 1,800 stars will explode. 4,500 McDonalds burgers will be eaten. 18 of the deaths will be from starvation. 58 airplanes will take off around the world. 116 people will get married. 243,000 photos will be uploaded to Facebook. 5,441,400 pounds of garbage will be created. 

36,824,00 pounds of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere as a byproduct of burning fossil fuels. 7,150,000,000 human hearts will beat 500,500,000,000 times, as their bodies create 858,282,240,000,000,000 new red blood cells. Your Heart Pumps 83 Gallons (approx. 315 liters) Of Blood. 1.8 Million 'Likes' Are Made On Facebook. The Universe Has Expanded 2766.4 Miles. Humans Kill More Than 190 Sharks.

Vine users play 1,041,666 million videos. 4,310 people visit Amazon. Reddit users cast 18,327 votes. Netflix subscribers stream 77,160 hours of video. Apple users download 51,000 apps. Pinterest users pin 9,722 images. Instagram users heart posts 1,736,111 times. YouTube users upload 300 hours of new video. Twitter users send 347,222 tweets. Uber passengers take 694 rides. Skype users make 110,040 calls.

And the list continues….

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