Why the flame of fire is yellow in colour?

Image credit: Pixabay.com

The flame of the candle burns in yellow colour while the LPG gas burns in blue colour, So why the LPG gas burns blue? Why the flame of candle is yellow? Why this happens?

Here's why,

In the presence of only partially materials that do not undergo a full combustion reaction the flame would burn in yellow. When the materials are combust completely, especially saturated hydrocarbons such as propane, methane, etc. As the LPG gas contains propane and butane, so they gets fully combusted and thus, it has a blue flame.

The yellow flame of the candle and wood is because of the incomplete combustion. The materials (fuel) is made of, is composed of saturated as well as unsaturated carbon bonds. Out of this, the saturated carbon atoms can undergo proper heat release and co2 formation completely. Due to which, it has the blue colour is generated at the bottom of the flame.

The remaining part of hydrocarbons chain aren't efficient in combustion and hence other by products are formed such as soot, which causes the combustion to loose efficiency, giving the yellow colour to flame.

Taking about the non hydrocarbon fires such as magnesium and potassium permagnate (KMnO4), they colour of flame is vastly different due to substances present in them.

The magnesium flames burns in bright yellow and potassium permagnate flame burns in pale purple colour.

Magnesium flame :
Image credit: Youtube.com
Potassium permagnate flame :
Image credit: pikrepo.com
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