Why do our face turns red while blushing?

Image credit: visihow.com

Everyone blushes and it is common to blush but do you ever thought that why the face turns red while blushing,

Here's why,

A person's face become red while blushing due to embarrassment, shyness, anger, stress or passion.

Most of the people blush when the feel social discomfort. The problem arises when you find yourself avoiding situations in which you know you are going to blush and resulting blush response in your own mind.

Blushing happens when the blood vessels in the face dilate (widen) to allow more blood to pass through. It is linked to adrenaline. The body registers stress and the blood vessels open and the blood flow is triggered out to the surface which results in redness. It is more noticeable in those with skin.

The blushing is short-lived, once the initial embarrassment wears off the skin returns to normal. However, chronic long term blushing can lead to tiny thread veins being permanently visible in the cheeks because they dilate so often.

There's also one more fact that when you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.

So, this is the reason behind the red face while blushing.

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