When will the earth become lifeless ?

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First, you are not going to be there when the earth will end, so don't worry about it.

There can be many causes, but I am going to show you some of it.

Let's know,

1. Volcanic apocalypse -
It happened in past about 250 million years ago and because of it 85% of all species living on land and 95% of all ocean dwelling species wer extinct. Maybe,happen in next 100 million years.

2.Asteroids -
If a massive asteroid can extinct all dinosaurs ,so it can also wipe out all the life on earth. But in future we can stop it by the help of technology.

3.Cooling of the core -
If the core of the earth starts cooling then it can also end the life because of change in everything on earth.

Image credit: Wikipedia.com

4.Expanding of sun -
After 5 billion years from now the sun will start to expand, going into the stage of red gaint. By, 7.5 billion years in future  it will expand so much that, it will be near the orbit of the earth.

5.Huge wandering stars -
If a huge wandering star hits the earth then, think what will happen?

6.Nothing, but we itself -
I am not going to talk much about this, you think what I am trying to say...

 By now you know that it has billions of years to go, so just enjoy your life.

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