What happens when we travel at the speed of light?

Image credit: freepik.com

Imagine that your sitting in a aircraft and travelling faster than the speed of light, then what what happens ??

Let's know it,

The person who is at such a speed will experience slowing of time. Another thing is that the field of vision of that person will change greatly .The world would appear him though a tunnel-shaped window.

Einstein's theory of relativity cleared almost all doubts about mass and energy. The equation of mass & energy equivalence proved that mass and energy are inter-convertible, means energy can be converted to mass and mass can be converted to energy. Everything is reletive even time.

From this it was concluded that, the speed of light is constant and independent for the observer.

From this is was proved that we cannot travel at the speed of light.
Let's see how,

Image credit: gettyimages.com
According to the above theory of relativity, as an object moves faster, it's mass starts increasing, while it's length contracts. Therefore at the speed of light, such object has infinite mass and length becomes 0. As mass becomes infinite , it needs infinite energy - an impossibility.

Till now it is not possible to achieve the speed of light but in future it might be possible.


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