How Nature Heal People?

Our life is full of ups and downs. It doesn't matter who you are or where you live. There are always moments when your heart is broken, burnt or hurt. When you have to face failure, rejection or loss. So, how to pick yourself up when you are down? How do you start your healing when you are hurt? 

First, let us understand the brain. Over thousands of our body and brain have developed in the lap of nature. There is part of you, which still feels at home in nature. Infact, it has been scientifically proven that when you are in nature your brain behaves differently. Being connected with  results in some amazing changes inside your head, which begin to calm you and soothe your nerves.

You body picks up these  to boost your immunity and your healing abilities. In our hectic lives, we over use parts of our brain, which deal with logic, information and decision-making. A world of desires and distractions does not give our brain the rest it deserves. The chatter in our heads often goes out of control, but most people ignore the signs until things go wrong. 

Many people turn to alcohol and drugs. Some resort to medicines and expensive  to get relief from symptoms. Only a few spend time and effort in finding the root cause of the problem. Ask yourself a simple question, what is the source of your health? If you rest your mind and reflect, you'll know It's Nature. 

Reconnecting with nature is like resetting your brain. One cannot escape the ups and downs of life. But one can always find calm in nature. One can always find comfort and  in the company of woods. The path to healing lies inside you. And when you can learn to carry the nature within you. You are always home. Your healing has begun. 

I know this one is more philosophical rather than scientific. But, believe me spending time in nature actually heals you. So, why are you waiting? Step out of your daily schedule, pack your bags and get on the path of nature to enjoy your life to the fullest. Because, life is to enjoy it and nature does it very well. 

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