Does cracking knuckles can really cause arthritis?

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Some people crack their knuckles to relieve tension. Some people do it out of nervous habit or just, no matter what the reason is, but cracking the knuckles can cause arthritis?

Let's know,

Before that, let's know why the knuckles get cracked.

The pop sound of cracked knuckle is caused by the bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid- the fluid that helps lubricate joints. The bubbles pop when you pull the bone apart, either by stretching them or by bending them backwards which creates negative pressure and causes a pop sound.

Multiple studies have indicated that there is no evidence to suggest cracking knuckles causes arthritis. However, chronic knuckle cracking may lead to reduced grip strength which may lead to tendon injuries and dislocations.

But if knuckle cracking proves to be harmful, there could be an abnormality in the structure of joints.

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